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TextileWeek in October in Zagreb

Textile printing market is expanding rapidly and one of the major drivers is, for sure, digital printing. Digital printing technologies are increasingly entering and progressively changing the textile industry by giving it a new impetus.
All the predictions and statistics are showing that digital textile printing is for sure one of the most profitable segments in the graphic arts industry.

Positive trends in textile printing are the reason why Print Magazin is organizing the second TextileWeek event, on 11th and 12th of October, 2023 in Zagreb.

Textile Week will include several events that will promote the fashion industry, as well as the industry of textile production and finishing.

The event plan to look at textile from various sides:

  • materials
  • inks
  • printing technologies
  • finishing
  • trends
  • ecology…

One part of the event will be a small, narrowly specialized fair covering different aspects of textile solutions.

In addition, a Digital Textile Printing conference will also be held. The conference is focused on presenting opportunities, innovative solutions, available technologies, trends and challenges in digital textile printing.

The conference is aimed at both print users and textile producers from whole Adria region (mainly ex-Yu countries) who in digital textile printing see a step towards something new which opens the way to new and profitable market niches.

If you are interesting in participation at the fair, at the conference or both, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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